Timber door

High sound insulation parameters and maximum privacy

Possibility to adapt to other interior elements. Guaranteed high sound insulation parameters and privacy granted by non-transparent doors.

izolacja akustyczna Acoustic insulation Rw from 33 dB to 41 dB
Kompatybilność z resztą systemu GSW Office Full visual and systemic compatibility of GSW Office
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Timber door

Product features

Approvals, tests etc.
Durability Class 6
Type of filling full / glazed
Max door height (mm) 3050
Max door width (mm) 1080
Acoustic insulation RW 33 ÷ 41 dB / RA1 32 ÷ 40 dB
Material / finish Veneer / Laminate / Varnish
Glass RW [dB] C [dB] RA1 [dB] RA1R [dB]
Glass 37 mm, VSG 44.1 33 -1 32 30
Glass 37 mm, VSG 55.2 Silence 37 -1 36 34
Solid 51 mm, Sauerland 33 VL 38 -1 37 35
Solid 51 mm, Sauerland 39S3R 41 -1 40 38
test test
test test
Alu E2/C-0 srebrna anoda ściana szklana Alu E2/C-0 silver anod.
Alu E2/C-35 czarna anoda ściana szklana Alu E2/C-35 black anod.
Alu E2/inox anoda poler. ściana szklana Alu E2 inox anod. polished
Alu anoda specjalna ściana szklana Alu RAL/special anod.
Alu RAL kolory ściana szklana Alu RAL

Glass System Polska S.A.

A provider of complex, modern glass architecture systems, allowing for versatile glass applications, both interior and exterior.

ul. Marcina Kasprzaka 4,
01-211 Warsaw

tel: +48 22 243 24 20
tel: +48 22 243 24 22

NIP: 521-363-87-46
KRS: 0000912550
REGON: 146350965

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