systemy ścian szklanych SII


The new office of SII, a leader in IT and industrial engineering, is situated in Gdańsk’s Oliva Business Centre, and amazes with its colours and space arrangement. The unique form was made possible by walls and fully glass doors of the GSW Office system, delineating the employees’ rooms. Thanks to the atypical profile shades and semi-round corners, the walls themselves are an important decorative element.


Glass System Technologies S.A.

A provider of complex, modern glass architecture systems, allowing for versatile glass applications, both interior and exterior.

ul. Marcina Kasprzaka 4,
01-211 Warsaw

tel: +48 22 243 24 20
tel: +48 22 243 24 22

NIP: 521-363-87-46
KRS: 0000912550
REGON: 146350965

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