systsem ścian szklanych realizacje digital care


Warsaw’s Digital Care office, situated in the town centre and boasting a beautiful view of the Palace of Culture and Science, may flaunt its original colours and interesting accents in the fittings. Of particular note are the GSW Office Plus walls, and systemic aluminium door, thanks to which the interior gets as much light as possible, and the rooms are well-insulated places where one can focus on work.


Glass System Technologies S.A.

A provider of complex, modern glass architecture systems, allowing for versatile glass applications, both interior and exterior.

ul. Marcina Kasprzaka 4,
01-211 Warsaw

tel: +48 22 243 24 20
tel: +48 22 243 24 22

NIP: 521-363-87-46
KRS: 0000912550
REGON: 146350965

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