Byonic Logistic - ściany szklane GSW Office i drzwi Urban Plus

Byonic Logistic

The project for Byonic Logistic includes the development of GSW Office single-glazed glass walls with muntins and Urban Plus system doors in a double-glazed version with acoustic insulation up to RW 43 dB. The same door is also available in a double-leaf version.


Glass System Technologies S.A.

A provider of complex, modern glass architecture systems, allowing for versatile glass applications, both interior and exterior.

ul. Marcina Kasprzaka 4,
01-211 Warsaw

tel: +48 22 243 24 20
tel: +48 22 243 24 22

NIP: 521-363-87-46
KRS: 0000912550
REGON: 146350965

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