GSW Office Plus FR

A double-glazed fireproof system offering a high-level of sound insulation

A double-glazed system of fireproof walls for dividing fire zones, designed for use in rooms meant to host confidential talks, such as directors’ offices and conference rooms, as well as rooms requiring particular focus.

izolacyjność akustyczna Acoustic insulation Rw from 47 dB to 53 dB
ognioodporność Fire resistance EI 30, EI 60
Kompatybilność z resztą systemu GSW Office Full visual and systemic compatibility of GSW Office
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GSW Office Plus FR

Product features

Approvals, tests etc.
Category of use IV
Category of space A, B, C, D, E
Type of glass Pyrobel 16 VL, 16 EG VL
VSG 55.X, 66.X, 88.2
Max height (mm) 3200 mm
Acoustic insulation RW 47 ÷ 53 dB / RA1 46 ÷ 51 dB
Fire resistance EI 30, EI 60
Material / finish Anodized aluminum / Aluminum RAL
Approval documents ETA-20/0630
Glass RW [dB] C [dB] RA1 [dB]
AGC Pyrobel 16 VL + VSG 55.1 47 -1 46
AGC Pyrobel 16 VL + VSG 66.2 Silence 49 -1 48
AGC Pyrobel 16 VL + VSG 88.2 Silence 50 -1 49
AGC Pyrobel 16 EG VL + VSG 88.2 Silence 51 -1 50
AGC Pyrobel 16 EG Stratophone VL + VSG 88.2 Silence 53 -2 51
AGC Pyrobel 25 VL + VSG 66.2 Silence 51 -1 50
Glass Fire resistance
AGC Pyrobel 16 VL + VSG 55.1 EI 30
AGC Pyrobel 16 VL + VSG 66.2 Silence EI 30
AGC Pyrobel 16 VL + VSG 88.2 Silence EI 30
AGC Pyrobel 16 EG VL + VSG 88.2 Silence EI 30
AGC Pyrobel 16 EG Stratophone VL + VSG 88.2 Silence EI 30
AGC Pyrobel 25 VL + VSG 66.2 Silence EI 60
Alu E2/C-0 srebrna anoda ściana szklana Alu E2/C-0 silver anod.
Alu E2/C-35 czarna anoda ściana szklana Alu E2/C-35 black anod.
RAL 9005S
Alu E2/inox anoda poler. ściana szklana Alu E2 inox anod. polished
Alu anoda specjalna ściana szklana Alu RAL/special anod.
Alu RAL kolory ściana szklana Alu RAL

Glass System Technologies S.A.

A provider of complex, modern glass architecture systems, allowing for versatile glass applications, both interior and exterior.

ul. Marcina Kasprzaka 4,
01-211 Warsaw

tel: +48 22 243 24 20
tel: +48 22 243 24 22

NIP: 521-363-87-46
KRS: 0000912550
REGON: 146350965

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